On 27 February we had our launch event for the new retirement development Nonsuch Abbeyfield. It didn’t take long for the venue to go from this

Bourne Hall ready to receive guests at the Abbeyfield Nonsuch launch event on 27 February.

to this!

Visitors start to arrive at launch event armed with their questions.

The trustees and staff of Abbeyfield Southern Oaks and Hamptons welcomed many visitors who wanted to know about how the new retirement ‘village’ was going to work. Many had booked appointments and others came along to see what the apartments and facilities would be like. The afternoon ended with refreshments and networking.

If you were unable to join us and you would like to know more about the options then please contact us.

People discussing at a table

A member of Hamptons sales team explains the benefits, options and process for joining the Abbeyfield Nonsuch community.


Older people sitting at tables asking questions about Nonsuch Abbeyfiled

Lots of interest in the new Abbeyfield Nonsuch retirement homes.